In this post, I am going to build a serverless REST API using API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and DynamoDB. I use the AWS CDK for automating the infrastructure creation part. Refer to the original article that I published on
Category: AWS
Deploy Your Static Web App to S3 Using AWS CodePipeline & CDK
In this post, I will show you how we can automate the deployment process of a static website using AWS CodePipline and AWS CDK. I will deploy a simple React App using AWS CodePipleline and its components. Refer to the original article that I published on
Set S3 Bucket Properties Using AWS CDK
In this post, I will show you how we can create an Amazon S3 bucket with some common S3 properties using AWS CDK. Refer to the original article that I published on
Change Default SNS Email For CloudWatch Events
Creating a customized email notification for an SNS topic. Refer to the original article that I published on
AWS Config to Monitor Non-Compliance S3 Buckets
AWS Config to Monitor Non-Compliance S3 Buckets. Refer to the original article that I published on
Running a Scheduled Event Using AWS Lambda, EventBridge Rules, and CDK
In this post, I am going to show you how you can use AWS Lambda and Amazon Event Bridge Rule for running a cron job. I use AWS CDK for creating the infrastructure. Refer to the original article that I published on
Creating Amazon CloudWatch Metric Filter, Alarm, and Slack Integration Using AWS CDK
In my previous post, I explained how we can monitor application errors using AWS CloudWatch logs, metric filters, alarms, and AWS Chatbot Slack client. In that example, I manually created all the resources using AWS Management Console. In this post, I want to show you the implementation of the same infrastructure using AWS CDK. AWS CDK…
Monitor Application Errors with AWS CloudWatch and AWS Chatbot-Slack Client
In this article, I will show you how we can use AWS CloudWatch and AWS Chatbot Slack Client for monitoring application errors. Refer to the original article that I published on
Creating AWS Client VPN Endpoint Using AWS CDK
In this article, I will explain how I used AWS CDK for creating AWS Client VPN Endpoint. Refer to the original article that I published on
Creating AWS CodePipeline Using AWS CDK
In this post, I will show you how to implement the CodePipeline and its components using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Refer to the original article that I published on